THE HANGOVER REPORT – Led by Franz Welser-Möst, the venerated VIENNA PHILHARMONIC plays a triumphant rendition of Mahler’s Ninth

Franz Welser-Möst conducts the Vienna Philharmonic in Mahler’s Ninth Symphony at Carnegie Hall (photo by Steve J. Sherman).

This past weekend, the mighty Vienna Philharmonic capped off three performances at Carnegie Hall with a performance of Mahler’s mammoth Ninth Symphony (the composer’s final completed symphony). Led by maestro Franz Welser-Möst — the Cleveland Symphony’s venerated Music Director — the performance, in summary, was a triumph.

Few pieces of music encompass the human experience as comprehensively and unflinchingly as Mahler’s Ninth. Over the course of four potent, substantial movements — the work in totality runs between 75 to 90 minutes — it poignantly covers the gamut of life through a sprawling, complex, and at times audacious tapestry of music. The work concludes with an autumnal Fourth Movement Adagio, a somber, incredibly moving farewell to the mortal coil.

Happily, the Vienna forces captured both the composition’s highs and lows, playing completely in the moment at all times. Under Welser-Möst’s baton, the storied ensemble performed with abundant character, depth, and vitality. Throughout, they exhibited rich, luxurious playing (those luscious strings! The well balanced brass!) — instinctual but never hurried nor messy — navigating the work’s many shifts and transitions with complete mastery. The orchestra played like a true ensemble.


Classical Music
Carnegie Hall
1 hour, 30 minutes (without an intermission)
The performance took place on March 3

Categories: Music, Other Music

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